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Magzter: 9,000+ Digital Magazines & Newspapers
- Get 7-Day FREE unlimited reading access with the monthly subscription and 30-day FREE reading unlimited access with the annual subscription
- Enjoy reading 9,000+ magazines and newspapers anytime and anywhere on the go including People, Time, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, Vogue, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar, Travel+Leisure, Marie Claire, Maxim, GQ, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, Better Homes & Gardens, Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, Daily Mirror and The Independent
- Access mobile-friendly premium stories curated from best-selling magazines and newspapers
- Download your favorite titles and read them later even when you're offline
- Bookmark your favorite pages to quickly access them later
- Discover and share exciting content on Magzter Connect, an exciting social community within the app
- Voted the #1 digital reading destination by readers and top publishers from all over the world.
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